Apertures (holes) in a screen can be round or slotted and laid out in staggered (offset) patterns and/or straight lines.
Percentage open area (%OA) measures how much area of the screen is comprised of apertures. The lower the %OA, the stronger the screen (more metal, fewer holes make it less vulnerable to splitting).
Tapered holes & slots have a smaller aperture on the front (the working face) of the screen than on the back. Tapering helps to prevent clogging, so screens with tapered holes are sometimes referred to as ‘self-cleaning’. Laser drilling enables more taper than electron-beam (EB) drilling. Holes mechanically punched in metal (‘punched plate’ screens) have no taper: they are almost the same diameter throughout.
Flow rate depends on the %OA and on the taper of the holes or slots in your screen. Holes/slots exhibiting greater taper allow higher flow rates due to less shear in the fluid.
Laser-drilled circular holes
Holes - Maximum Open Area % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Material Thickness (mm) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hole Diameter (mm) |
Maximum OA shown is for screens of 'small' planar dimensional sizes. For 'large' screens the attainable maximum OA will be lower. In selected cases especially for 'small' size screens it may be possible to exceed 25% OA up to perhaps 30% OA.
Laser-drilled slots
Slots - Maximum Open Area % | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Material Thickness (mm) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slot Width (mm) |
Slot length is typically 1mm. For specifications outside the range shown, please get in touch for our capabilities. Maximum OA shown is for screens of 'small' planar dimensional sizes. For 'large' screens the attainable maximum OA will be lower.
Maximum Open Area
Open Area is a measure of ‘hole density’ and is calculated based on the hole size on the Working Face of the LaserScreen. LaserScreens can be manufactured with any percentage Open Area up to a maximum limit.
This limit is determined when the edges of the apertures on the back side (non-working face) will be in danger of touching.
Perforated Tubes
Current maximum internal tube diameter up to 180 mm. Perforated tube length up to 2,500 mm. For very long tubes, distortion can be an issue at high hole density. The side where the diameter of the tapered hole is smaller (the ‘working face’) is always the inside of the tube.
Unperforated Regions
Actionlaser can program unperforated regions as required for hygiene, ease of welding or other purposes.
Note: the lower the open area and or greater the unperforated region, the lower the screen cost.
Actionlaser carries a large range of materials in stock.
To discuss your needs or request a quote, please get in touch.